Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Woolfolk Records 1951/05

Doll Man 37 cover with Doll Girl

Fawcett, Quality, and Orbit, like clockwork, bought and published the stories William Woolfolk wrote this month.

He returns to writing Doll Man; in this story Martha Roberts (a supporting character since the first story) becomes Doll Girl, a role she'll play until the feature ends.

This is Woolfolk's final Wild Bill Pecos story as The Westerner reaches its final issue; it's published a page shorter than the script.

May 1951 Comic Book Scripts by William Woolfolk

6 pg  Ibis ghost ship in the Arctic
"Ibis and the Ghost Ship" Whiz 141, Jan/52
10  Doll Man meets the Doll Girl
"Battles the Skull" DM 37, Dec/51
10  Foodini Foodini's summer hi-jinks
"Foodini's Summer Hi-jinks" Pinhead and Foodini 3, Nov/51
Captain Marvel Jr. the master of space
"CMJ Battles the Spacemaster" CMJ 105, Jan/52
Captain Marvel Jr. the invisible guest
"CMJ and the Invisible Guest" CMJ 105, Jan/52
Murder Alibi alibi witness turns out to be blind
"Wanted by a Killer: One Witness" Wanted 42, Oct/51
10  Blackhawk men from the future
"Men from the Future" BH 47, Dec/51
10  The Beach Mob Miami Beach gangsters in Chicago
"The Beach Mob" Wanted 43, Nov/51
Captain Marvel Jr. Sivana Jr. buys Louisiana Territory
"CMJ and the History Hoax" CMJ 105, Jan/52
Blackhawk the sea monsters
"The Sea Monsters" BH 47, Dec/51
10  Wild Bill Pecos dead man's fort
9  "Dead Man's Fort" The Westerner 41, Dec/51

1 comment:

  1. hey i love that cover page so much. Its very different one. Keep it up
