Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Mix-and-Match Swipe

Gutenberg Montiero's cover painting for Creepy 24 (Dec/68) swipes two earlier paintings.

Masters of Horror pb, Black Mask Sept 46, Creepy 24

An unknown artist painted the cover for the Berkley paperback Masters of Horror (1967); Rafael De Soto painted the one for the pulp magazine Black Mask (Sept/46).


  1. I remember seeing Creepy and then the paperback and going, WTH??

  2. I made the connection with the paperback back then too, but only now noticed the Black Mask cover as I was looking for sources of other swipes (the covers to the ebooks of the Johnny Fedora spy series by Desmond Cory--the first one uses the Sam Spade cover of The Maltese Falcon's first installment in Black Mask).
