Monday, November 2, 2020
Inspiration Before the Giant Turtle Man
Mort Weisinger's reuse of cover images from the Standard pulps, where he had been an editor in the 1940s, has been pointed out often, but I don't know if this one has been. The iconic such swipe is "The Giant Turtle Man" in Jimmy Olsen 52 (June/61), from a Thrilling Wonder Stories cover. Here, from the previous year, is a JO cover (#43, March/60) not using the original pulp cover's design but borrowing a monster design from it. The artist of Startling Stories March 1940 is uncredited. Curt Swan pencilled the JO cover as well as the story, and did the follow-up cover and story in JO 47 (Sep/60) and used the monster as the centerpiece of the cover of 80 Pg. Giant 6 (1965), Superman featuring Fantastic Things and Creatures.
For what it's worth, Bob Hughes on FB wrote: "Making a semi wild guess, the original cover is by H.V. Brown."
That could well be. For what it's worth, the artist got a little bit creative with the description of the robot monster and it doesn't fit a plot point in the Kuttner story--the tentacles are wrong.